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Foam boards engineered to beat the cold

A sturdy subfloor thermal insulation that resists moisture and freeze-thaw cycles. FREEZERMATE™ XPS Insulation is a rigid Styrofoam™ solution designed for low-temperature application while delivering high R-values.


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FREEZERMATE™ Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) foam insulation a STYROFOAM™ Brand solution for use as subfloor thermal insulation in low-temperature applications. It features smooth, high density skins with excellent insulating characteristics, high resistance to water and water vapor, excellent freeze-thaw resistance, superior compressive strength and long-term durability. FREEZERMATE™ Insulation can also be used in most static and dynamic loading situations for flooring applications. Because the rigid foam insulation boards resist even severe forms of moisture penetration in freezer and cooler construction, they offer long-term R-values* superior to other types of thermal insulation.


Features & benefits

Feature Benefit
Moisture resistant
  • Resists even severe forms of moisture penetration in freezer and cooler construction
  • Excellent freeze-thaw resistance
  • Offer long-term R-values superior to other types of thermal insulation
  • Smooth and high density skins
  • Easy to handle, cut with a utility knife or any sharp blade, and install
  • Contains an average of 20% pre-consumer recycled content
  • Sustainable and resuable